Competition Rules

Each match is comprised of one regulation round (5 minutes). There will be no positive points awarded in the first half of the round. Athletes can incur point deductions for illegal guard pulling, passivity, and stalling during that time. After the first half of the round positive points can be awarded.


The referee is the only person who can assign positive points or enforce stalling penalties.

If there is no submission and the match ends with a tie in points, the referee will determine the winner.

The match will be judged in its entirety.

Performance will impact final judging result. The main and most impactful judging criteria is who is the aggressor and is initiating the action.

Positive Points

There is no repeat scoring. The athlete cannot voluntarily give up position to score from the same position or digress to and/or from a less dominant position to score. Scoring positions must be held for 3 seconds before points are awarded.

Passing the guard = 2 points
Guard Pass must result in a controlling position.

All Sweeps & Reversals = 2 points

Sweeps / Reversals are when an athlete changes the position from bottom to top and establishes control for 3 secs or more. A sweep / reversal into a submission will not be awarded points until the submission is escaped.

Knee on belly = 2 points

The opposite leg must be extended out with knee off ground for entire 3 seconds for points to be awarded.

Takedown – all takedowns = 2 points

Points will be awarded once opponent is on the mat and a controlling position is established for 3 seconds.

Takedown into another scoring position will result in cumulative points.

i.e. a takedown into mount is 6 points (2 for takedown and 4 for mount position).

Takedowns into an opponent’s submission attempt will not be awarded points until submission has been escaped and a controlling position is held for 3 seconds.

Mount Position = 4 points

Both knees must be touching the floor. Your opponent’s back must be on the floor. Both knees must be below the shoulder line.

Back Mount with both hooks or body triangle = 4 points

Both hooks and body triangle are acceptable. Switching from hooks to body lock or vice versa does not result in additional points.

Penalties (Negative Points)

Stalling and passivity will be determined by the referee when one athlete is purposely slowing the pace, aggression, or flow of the match with no apparent strategy to progress, doesn’t move to a more dominant position or sets up a submission.

Stalling can be called from any position including front or back mounted positions if the referee determines there is no attempt to progress to submission or stay active.

Passivity can be defined as an athlete who avoids contact or engagement with their opponent.

When referee determines an athlete is stalling:

  • Referee will announce ‘Stalling Warning’ to the athlete

  • The first stalling warning will be given the longest grace period

Intentionally leaving or fleeing the mat to avoid engagement, takedown or submission can result in a point deduction (1, 2, 3, 4 points) or disqualification at the referee discretion.

Illegal guard pull will result in a negative point (-1 point) if pulled at any point in the match..

Illegal guard pull is when one athlete pulls into any guard that does not result in an engaged position.

Legal guard should contain one of the following examples within 3 seconds of initiating the action:

  • Pulling into an engaged guard such as butterfly, closed, or DLR. Connection between athletes such as shin to shin, wrist control, or collar tie

  • Immediate move into offensive attack such as sweep, wrestle up or submission attack.

There are multiple possibilities for legal guard with the key point of the guard pull being to initiate action. Other legal moves include:

  • Dropping into leg attacks falling into leg-lock

  • Flying submissions

A fighter who voluntarily jumps to guard will result in a illegal guard pull infraction.

A fighter cannot flee or run from a guard pull, they must defend, break or engage the position. Fleeing or running from a guard pull or attack will result in a 1 point penalty.